Forum Activity for @michael

01/08/25 04:22:55PM
7,793 posts

Profile Tweaks

Design and Skin Customization

maybe, not sure.... What the Form Designer is is a way to tap into the functionality that modules have but without having to look at code. If you're comfortable looking at code then you have the most amount of flexibility.

Jamroom at its core is for developers then stuff to allow non-developer access has been layered on top so the most access you have is at the code level. Through systems like the "events and listeners" system pretty much anything is adjustable.

Maybe if I understood the goal I can better understand the question.

an example: Pretty much all of my sites have a 'tweaks' type module that in-itself doesn't do anything specific but I'll put listeners into it for any adjustments I want to make.
updated by @michael: 01/08/25 04:26:27PM
01/08/25 04:19:39PM
7,793 posts

searching user name

Using Jamroom

Yeah that's more custom. Probably customizing the search template for profiles would be the closest I could suggest, but even that's not going to be great, like if you search for 'elvis' and the artist name is 'elvis' then the profile would show and maybe you put a list of x number of his songs but its still not going to work the other way. By searching "always on my mind" its going to find the song, not the profile.
01/08/25 04:15:25PM
7,793 posts


Design and Skin Customization

Then you don't want that code. Probably {jrCore_search.... is the code you're after. If you tag an audio file with 'avacardo' and 'bannana' then on the audio item it will have those tags shaped like this

A simple call would be
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" search1="audio_tags like %avacardo%"}
01/08/25 04:09:35PM
7,793 posts

multiple search filters

Design and Skin Customization

Sure you can see that sort of being done in that link where it adds the genre filter to the link. Checkboxes could be one way to do it. Another way could be to have A B C D E F .... to filter by ??? category maybe... nah a bunch of checkboxes is a good idea.
01/08/25 04:07:54PM
7,793 posts

403 Forbidden Error

Installation and Configuration

Make sure you upload the newest .htaccess file to your root directory, you can find a copy of it in /modules/jrCore/root/.htaccess, it should go at /


There is also a /repair.php.html file in that same location. Rename it to /repair.php and open it in a web browser and you can run the integrity check from there.
01/08/25 04:04:22PM
7,793 posts

Cloud Hosting

Installation and Configuration

"This video file is currently being processed and will appear here when complete"
- its probably broken or stuck. go to your QUEUE VIEWER in the DASHBOARD and see if anything is moving.
- in your SYSTEM CHECK tool make sure you dont have an orange lights.

For the image issue, try going to the CORE -> TOOLS -> RESET IMAGE CACHE

If system check doesn't work then check your error log for why, either the jamroom error log or the server error log should show something.

Also use the INTEGRITY CHECK tool and the RESET CACHES tool to try to clear things out.
stuck.jpg stuck.jpg - 773KB
01/07/25 02:41:41PM
7,793 posts

multiple search filters

Design and Skin Customization

The first thing that jumps to my mind would be to put a section specific search box where that section is, so if you have a and then put a search box for 'audio' only at the top of the audio location.

Like this:
updated by @michael: 01/07/25 02:42:12PM
01/07/25 02:39:44PM
7,793 posts

searching user name

Using Jamroom

Check those modules are not disabled in the Search module in the ACP.

If what you're after is more info on the results, yes you can do that but it would start to get heavy if you put too much info in there.

Eg: I search 'Michael' and 'michael's' profile comes up. You can customize that row item template to include my audio track info.

The demo system seems to have something close to what you're asking:
disable..jpg disable..jpg - 824KB
01/07/25 02:32:06PM
7,793 posts

Cloud Hosting

Installation and Configuration

Cloud based hosting shouldn't be much different than regular hosting unless you're trying to spread your site out over multiple hosting instances for enterprize level scale.

The requirements should be the same:

Docs: Requirements

What is the actual error you're bumping into?
01/07/25 02:29:16PM
7,793 posts


Design and Skin Customization

{jrTags_cloud profile_id=$_profile_id search="audio" height="350"}

Docs: Item Tags

See if that works.